Rotary Young Writer Competition – Litcham Winners

Well done to all those students who submitted entries to the Rotary Young Writer Competition last term. The task of the competition was to write a short story or poem entitled ‘My Inspiration’.

We are pleased to announce that Niamh (7B) won first prize in the intermediate section, of the regional heat, for her poem. She then went on to achieve runner up in the district round of the competition as well.

Amelia (11B) won first prize in the senior category of both the regional and district heat of the competition, for her poem of the same title. Amelia’s entry will now go on to the National Final of the competition in May. Congratulations to you both and good luck Amelia for the final round.

My Inspiration

I remember,

Excitement flooding me as the stones crunched beneath my feet as I walked down the track,

I remember,

The clear blue sky and the cool breeze with the sun shining upon my back,

I remember,

The sound of horse’s hooves as they walked across the fields that they freely roamed,

I remember,

The smell of hay, dust and horse dung at which I never groaned,

I remember,

The feeling of happiness as I met my horse within its stable,

I remember,

How he was a great friend to me who was always loyal and amiable,

I remember,

His soft, velvety muzzle nudging my hand in greeting,

I remember,

The smell that I knew so well as I sunk my face into his mane and that always felt comforting,

I remember,

Jumping into the saddle and feeling relaxed and content,

I remember,

Riding into the arena, we tried our best and came out knowing that we had won the event,

From that day onwards I knew that I had made a great companion and that no hour of my life was going be wasted in his saddle.

By Niamh (Age 12)


My Inspiration


Her hair seems to glow

In the gauzy shaft of light

Delicately I arrange

Those porcelain hands

Against the folds of her

Deep blue dress

Tilt the head

Lower those eyes

I step back

And see….


She is a faceless dream

That seems to seep

Through hidden cracks

I arrange her to

Suit my every need

Yet never can my brush control


There lies a spark

Beneath her pale face

It burns alight

Engulfing all

A million copies

Of a single face

I am lost

Trying to fill an empty space

Hiding from an unknown fear


She looks at me

And I am forced to see

That it is not the painter who

Will be remembered

But her


My inspiration

My cursed muse

By Amelia  (Age 16 years)


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