Murder in Midwinter by Fleur Hitchcock – a review by Emily Year 7

I love this book as it was very interesting. It is about a girl called Maya: she is a teenager. One day she is out on a bus taking pictures of the beauties of London, then all of a sudden, she notices two people in the crowd. One of them is male, the other is female and they look very angry. She looks closer to see the man has a gun and is pointing it at her.

Without our realising, click, she takes a picture on her phone with the flash on – then both of them turn their head and stare at her. From then, on her life changes from seeing what she thinks is the man’s brother, dead in the River Thames, to her sister getting kidnapped.

Fearing for her safety, the police and her parents decide to send her to her aunt’s house where she gets to know Ollie her cousin. But are things better in the lonely mountains?

This is a fast-paced story with nail biting action, a puzzling mystery to solve and a heart-racing finish. What I liked best about the story is that Maya likes engineering and normally boys like that stuff. I also like the way there was a lot of action and the way it didn’t feel made up.

What I didn’t like about it is that sometimes, especially towards the end, it got a bit confusing. I didn’t always know what was happening where, and who the enemy was. I would have enjoyed it more if it was a bit simpler in the crazy parts!

Overall I really enjoyed this book and am going to give it 4.5/5. I would recommend it for students aged 9 – 13 years.

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